This week we are looking at Jesus’ encounter with a Canaanite woman. This woman approaches Jesus with great faith that he will heal her daughter, but Jesus defies our expectations by ignoring her, ostracizing her, and even insulting her. The woman, however, persists in her request. Her actions prove an understanding of Jesus that goes beyond the surface level of his words, and Jesus praises her faith. May we listen beyond the words so that we truly hear the God who speaks.
We don’t need much convincing that we are not perfect people; sin is a huge problem for us. Yet God has adopted all who believe as his children and has declared that we have full rights as his heirs. What kind of God can do that? Today churches around the world focus on the triune God: the Father who created us and adopts us; the Son who by his life, death and resurrection opened the door to the family, and the Spirit who seals our adoption and shapes us to live into the family name. May we live into our family identity as we walk in step with the Spirit.
Through this season of Easter we have been looking at the blessings that God gives to us only through Christ’s death and resurrection. We finish this series by focusing on the gift that encompasses them all: Peace through the Blood. Through Christ, God has done more than simply declare a cease-fire or provide a way for us to get along with him. Through Christ, God has completely reconciled us to himself and has completely restored the relationship that sin had severed. What a glorious gift we have received through Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!
Like the stains we become accustomed to in our homes, sometimes we let our sin become the backdrop of our lives. We convince ourselves we’re comfortable with that, but sin will always keep dragging us down. The Apostle John describes a deep clean for the soul that only happens through the blood of Christ when we open up and confess. This week we’ll explore the steps of true confession and delight in God’s promise that “the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.”