This week we continue our Advent worship theme of the names of Jesus with Jesus, the Good Shepherd. The crowd around Jesus understood shepherds – good and bad – and they would have a good picture of what Jesus meant when he called himself the Good Shepherd. Even more, Jesus’ shepherd imagery evokes images of God’s promises through the prophet Ezekiel: that one day God himself would search for and look after his scattered sheep. Jesus is Immanuel – God with us to shepherd us and save us by laying down his own life for us.
Who is Jesus? This morning we hear him say, “I AM the Light of the World.” From God’s first words of creation (“Let there be light”) to God’s provision and protection in the wilderness wanderings (as “a pillar of fire to give them light”) to God’s promise of a Messiah through the prophet Isaiah (“I will make you… a light for the Gentiles”), God’s light shines as a true life-giving gift. Jesus is the fulfillment of every one of God’s promises that shines away the haunting and binding darkness of our lives. “Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord.”